Sporting a design by our Nottingham hostel’s art therapy group resident, Josef, our official YMCA Christmas cards are still for sale at YMCA Gym and NVAC, at 7 Mansfield Road in Nottingham city centre.
With over £100 raised so far, all proceeds from sales will help ensure the hostel’s art therapy group can continue running in 2020 by purchasing art supplies for residents to utilise in their creations and possibly fund trips and hosting art exhibitions.
The card features a bio about Josef’s journey and highlights the importance of our charity’s fantastic staff team in supporting individuals who are navigating life after homelessness.
“Art gives YMCA residents a sense of hope and confidence to express themselves creatively through their work,” explained artist Lorna Hamilton, who delivers the weekly sessions at YMCA Housing’s Training Kitchen at the charity’s Shakespeare Street hostel.
“We are so grateful for the money raised by the card sales! Our sessions give residents something positive to work towards each week, which can help empower them with the skills and confidence to make bigger life decisions outside of the workshop.
“By creating a safe social space every Thursday, our members often use this time to work through personal issues by discussing their life challenges with their peers, which can be extremely beneficial for building trust, friendships and creating a sense of focus for moving forward positively.”
Cards are £1 each or ‘5 for £4’
Buy your cards from Nottinghamshire YMCA’s office on 2nd floor of the Nottingham Voluntary Action Centre, at 7 Mansfield Road, or visit YMCA Gym today!