Challenge your abs…

Liz has got an ab challenge for the bank holiday weekend. How many sets can you do?

– 10 x knee crunches

Lie on your back with your knees raised; bring alternate elbows to knee (5 on each side)

– 12 x leg raisers

Lie on your back with your legs straight. Alternate raising each leg as high as possible.

– 20 x flutter kicks

Lie on your back with your legs straight. Lift both feel slightly off the ground and alternately raise them up and down.

– 60 sec elbow (low) plank

– 10 x cross crunches

Lie on your back with your knees raised. Reach up with both hands to touch your knees.

– 20 x bicycle crunches

These are the same as knee crunches but move your legs in a cycling motion at the same time.

– 10 x heel touches

Lie on your back, knees raised with feet still on the floor. Stretch to touch alternate heels.

– 10 x russian twists

Engage press up position, twist at the waist in alternate directions.

Level 1 – 3 sets, 30 sec rest in between sets

Level 2 – 5 sets, 30 sec rest in between sets

Level 3 – 7 sets, 30 sec rest in between sets

Let us know which level you managed on Twitter and on Facebook. Make sure you ask the gym staff if you have any questions.